Sea lo que sea lo que tenga en la mira, eso es solo el comienzo. Como cocodrilo, aprenderás a ver más allá del horizonte.
El Colegio K-ritas Soñadoras o KS School surge en el 2006 como respuesta a la necesidad de una instrucción vanguardista para un mundo globalizado, así como también, la necesidad de seres humanos con formación, en un mundo carente de valores. Valores éstos que se conjugan para formar la personalidad de ese futuro hombre de sociedad, científico, doctor, ingeniero, etc.
Hoy en día es un colegio bilingüe con más de 100 niños matriculados, dividos entre cursos desde nursery (desde los 6 meses), hasta 5to de media. Cada año se adiciona un nuevo curso con el fin de llegar a impartir todos los currículums. Es nuestra meta el formar líderes del mañana preparados para el mundo real, tomando en cuenta la importancia del idioma inglés y el español como nativo.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.
It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.